Our People

Meet Dana Tilley

Dana Tilley

As a senior leader in our Life Sciences business, Dana Tilley带来了高水平的创造力和企业家精神,为北美地区的生命科学客户提供卓越的项目交付.

In this role, Dana guides and mentors more than 1,300 world-class project professionals in our Cincinnati, Greenville and Conshohocken offices, supporting teams and overseeing governance of Engineering, Architectural, Procurement, Construction Management (EPCM), Commissioning, Qualification and Validation Services on major client projects.

  • 25 +

    years' experience in engineering and construction

  • 1.3 K+

    world-class project delivery professionals under his leadership

Dana利用他深厚的行业专业知识提供一致的业绩, sales support, forecasting and resourcing, 自他担任这一职务以来,生命科学业务和员工人数翻了一番.

Passionate about promoting diversity, inclusion and positive mental health, 达纳确保我们的关怀文化在他的团队中产生共鸣,并让我们的员工感受到这些价值观的力量.

Dana is driven by the profound impact of the Life Science business, 它将尖端技术与创新项目解决方案相结合,为全球患者提供可能延长生命的治疗方案.

“无论我们在工作日做什么,都能帮助人们活得更长,或花更多时间与家人在一起,这一事实让我深受鼓舞," Dana says. "It’s very rewarding.”